A Few Basic Instructions For Installing Ceiling Fans

If one is not familiar with electrical systems and in doing things on your own, you may find the installation of ceiling fans a difficult task. However, if you have some background and know-how on basic house works & electrical wiring, and you have decided to take it upon yourself to do the installation yourself, one must read the instructions for installing ceiling fans that can be seen in the manufacturer’s manual.

The instructions for installing ceiling fans can be studied and can become very useful when attempting to mount and put the fan in operation on your homes. It may well be a challenging task for one, but after seeing it in operation, and feeling the comfort it provides, all will be worth it.

Below are some basic instructions for installing ceiling fans that you can use as a reference – in order to have an idea on what some of the steps are in the installation process. Always refer however, to the manufacturers manual and guidelines for a safer, and a more appropriate installation for that specific ceiling fan model.

Basic Instructions for Installing Ceiling Fans:
* Before anything else, always put safety first.
* Switch the breaker off or you may remove the fuse to turn off the current in the circuit.
* If you are going to replace a lighting fixture with the ceiling fan, you can now carefully remove it.
* Check if the existing circuit will be able to carry the load of the ceiling fan you will be putting there, especially if it has integral lighting with it.
* Attach your workbox on a brace between two joists. If there is no brace available, you can use a 2”x4” to place in between. Fasten it well in place.
* You may then assemble the ceiling fan as per the manufacturer’s guide or manual. Install the mounting bracket to the workbox you have placed.
* Take careful notice of the wiring diagram in the manual, and be accurate and careful in hooking up the wires.
* After the wiring, finish it off as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
* Attaching the fan blades would be next. If there is a light kit that comes with it, you will have to remove the cover so that you can mount it inside. Refer to the manufacturers detailed guidelines in installing the light kit.
* Countercheck all the steps you have made, and think for any missed steps. If all have been followed to the detail, you may turn on the circuit to see if your installation was successful.

These basic instructions for installing ceiling fans should only be supplementary, and should come second to the manufacturer’s official manual where specific instructions unique to that model are mentioned in detail. By doing so, the necessary and safe steps will be followed, making your installation an appropriate one, and a successful one for that matter.

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